Prof. R. Vaidhyanathan (FRSC) obtained his Ph.D. from the Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research, under the supervision of Prof. C. N. R. Rao and Prof. S. Natarajan. He worked as a postdoc with Prof. M. J. Rosseinsky in the University of Liverpool and as a research associate with Prof. George Shimizu in the University of Calgary. He started his independent research career as an assistant professor in IISER Pune from 2012. His research focuses on the development of Advanced Porous Materials such as metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) and covalent-organic frameworks (COFs) and their nanocomposites for environmental and energy applications.
Professor R. Vaidhyanathan (FRSC)
Associate Editor of Chemistry of Materials
C-206, Main Building
Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Pune, Dr. Homi Bhabha Road,
Pashan, Pune - 411008, Maharashtra, India.
Tel : +91 (20) 2590 8073(O)
+91 (20)2590 8682(L)
E-mail: vaidhya@iiserpune.ac.in

Academic and Professional Background
2022 - Professor, IISER Pune
2016 - Associate Professor, IISER Pune
2012-2016 - Assistant Professor, IISER Pune
2007-2012- Research Associate Fellow, University of Calgary, Canada, (Host: Prof. George Shimizu)
2003-2007 - Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom (Host: Prof. M. J. Rosseinsky)
1997-2003 - Int. Ph. D. in Chemistry, Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research, Bangalore, India (Supervisor: Prof. C.N. R. Rao and Prof. S. Natarajan)
1993-1997- B.Sc. (Chemistry with Mathematics/Physics), St. Xavier’s College, Tamil Nadu, India
2022-Appointed as associated editor of Chemistry of Materials.
2021-Elected as Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC), London, UK
2021-Prof. C. N. R. Rao Award
2019-Materials Research Society of India Medal (India)
2018-Chemical Research Society of India Medal (India)
2018-IUSSTF Research Funding by the Indo-USA
2017- Best Emerging Young Scientist (Chemical Frontiers) awarded at Goa (India)
2012- Research Grant by Enovex, Corporation (Canada)
2011-12- Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Enovex Technologies Inc. (Canada).
2010-2011-International Postdoctoral Research Fellowship by University Technologies Ltd. (Canada)
2003-2007 - Postdoctoral Research Fellowship University of Liverpool.
1997-2003-Integrated Ph. D. Fellowship by JNCSAR
1997- Best out-going student (M. S. University, Tamil Nadu)
Positions held
Co-coordinators of the Innovation Cell of IISER Pune. A student's initiative to translating some of their ideas and developments into true innovations.
Coordinator for the Career Development Centre (CDC) in IISER Pune.
Integrated Ph.D. program coordinator for the Chemistry Department.
Member of the Patent Evaluation Committee and the Endowment Cell of IISER Pune.
Co-coordinator the Teaching Assistant Program of the Chemistry Department.
Co-coordinator of the Skills team responsible for developing a web link and an academic-industry facility.